Sorgulama için seçilen bölümler 74VHC139MTCX

Please ECA take care about the data sheet!  
Here are some infos about: 74VHC139MTCX
Linear IC
Digital IC
Memory IC
ICs general
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Search: search again for Marking Codes  for numeric

Please try a new search with maybe only the first character of the type or use the Wildcards (*,?)
For example: Search for TC74HC7007AP without success -- 
Search for *74*700 successful, the correct type designation is TC74HCT7007AP!

Searching with the numeric part of the type designation is often successfully. Please try a numeric search. 
You can also search for terms in our functional index. Please enter the terms, separate with a comma(,).
For example: Search for: 'gate, 2x4, nor'
A list of all functional groups will appear. After selecting a group, a list of all semiconductors in this functional index will be displayed.

Please also notice that Far East components are often marked without the leading '2S' mark, resp. 'KS'
(Samsung types) or 'KT' (KEC types). Our database lists all this components with the leading prefix.
Therefore only a search with the prefix '2S', 'KS', 'KT' .. or a leading wildcard '*' will be successful.
Please notice also:
  • MTP..N.., e.g. P3N80 =MTP3N80 (Motorola)
  • SSP..N.., e.g. P6N70 =SSP6N70 (SAMSUMG)
  • SPP..N.., e.g. P30N03=SPP30N03 (Siemens)
  • STP..N.., e.g. P3N90 =STP3N90 (SGS Thomson)
For example: Search for A1710 without success -- Search for 2SA1710 successful!
If you didn't find what are you searching for, just start an inquiry and our editorship will try to find the data sheet for you.
Create an inquiry free of charge and without obligation. We will endeavor to search this type. We will inform you and will supplement our database. Please be patient and understand that we are not able to find all types immediately.
Also notice our Forum. It may be helpful to find datas of unidentified types.
We add all inquiries into this board. But you can add or change your inquiry too
If you didn't find what are you searching for, just start an inquiry and our editorship will try to find the data sheet for you.
Create an inquiry free of charge and without obligation. We will endeavor to search this type. We will inform you and will supplement our database. Please be patient and understand that we are not able to find all types immediately.
Also notice our Forum. It may be helpful to find datas of unidentified types.
We add all inquiries into this board. But you can add or change your inquiry too

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